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   Former Students

   Violin Master Studio  

Albert R. Muenzer

Carey Lewis --- --- A freelance violinist and private teacher, Mr. Lewis is also on the faculty of the Moores School of Music, Preparatory Division at the University of Houston. He is an active chamber and solo recitalist. Carey earned the Graduate Performance Diploma and Master of Music at Peabody. He has held positions with several symphony orchestras around the country and was Assistant Concertmaster of the Peabody Symphony Orchestra.

Nina Saito --- --- New World Symphony Orchestra of Florida

Yong Chun Li --- --- Freelance violinist

Xue Biao --- --- Orchestral position in Europe 

Sonja Harasim --- --- Rice University Shepherd School of Music, Preparatory Program Violin & Chamber Music Faculty

Si-Yang Lao --- --- Freelance violinist

Wendy Putnam --- --- Boston Symphony, formerly concertmaster of the New Orleans Symphony

Chris Reidlinger --- --- Freelance violinist & violist

Long Zhou --- --- San Antonio Symphony Orchestra

William Pu --- --- Former Assistant Concertmaster of Houston Symphony Orchestra (HSO)

Paul Alvarez --- --- Concertmaster of Guatemala Symphony Orchestra

Leticia Velasco --- --- Teaching field

Qi Ming --- --- Contract with Houston Grand Opera (HGO)

Igor Khalfine --- --- Substitute position with HSO

Greg Ewer --- --- Portland Oregon Symphony contract with HGO core orchestra

Richard Baum --- --- Freelance violinist and violist



Mr. Albert Muenzer E mail address:


History Link Essay: Katims, Milton (1909-2006)                     Houston Symphony                           Moores School of Music






























































































































































































Mr. Albert Muenzer E mail address:


History Link Essay: Katims, Milton (1909-2006)                     Houston Symphony                           Moores School of Music